Hi I'm Anna Estaroth, and I'm a professional astrologer, with over 40 years consulting experience. I lecture internationally, have a psychology degree and I'm a member of the Scottish Astrological Association and the Astrological Association of Great Britain, as well as being a Fellow of the APAI - Association of Professional Astrologers Internationa.

I'm currently doing a skyscape archaeology PhD at University of the Highlands and Islands.


If you're interested in a tarot reading contact me contact@annaestaroth.com or telephone 0131 653 0357. I can arrange a skype tarot reading anywhere in the world, or if you prefer a telephone reading, but if you're local to the Edinburgh area, I can see you in person.




Tarot is a stupendous tool for touching on the numinous - it enables you to access your unconscious innermost resolutions to all sorts of problems.

Tarot readings are designed to consider the current situation and cover the year ahead. Cost £50.



Astrology pinpoints your potential in a natal chart reading. Explore the  year ahead. Find out what you have in store. Ask today about self-discovery with Astrology. When is the best time to start a business, marry, have children, move house, or change job?
Send Date, Time and Place of Birth to Anna and receive a full natal interpretation by e-mail or snailmail ( taped consultation. )

Year Ahead costs £100



Ask all your questions, find lost objects with Horary. Sell your House? Who will you marry? Get that job?

Cost £50



Choose 12 crystals and I shall e-mail you back an interpretation based on your choices. The reading covers the past, present and future.

Check out your choices and make your future better.

Cost £50



















To comply with new legislation I am obliged to say that astrology and crystal readings are not experimentally proven. Scientific testing is, as yet, unable to measure the true worth of astrology